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About the Present Parenting Solutions founder, Liway Tayag 

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Liway Tayag is an early childhood development and special needs educator and a parent-teacher coach. She has gained experiences in the Philippines, U.S.A., Indonesia, and Thailand, and has worked mostly with young children, young children with special needs, and their families. 


Being a parent herself, and with her background and practice of over 10 years, Li has acquired an understanding of how children with different abilities and background develop and learn optimally, and thrive in all areas of life given the right family support.  


Li, with the help of other child professionals at Present Parenting,  implement  lasting, research-backed solutions and positive parental support to help each family, family advocates and child caregivers.


This site shares resources both in English and Filipino, and offers services of resource speakers, capacity building (trainings and workshops) and development of learning modules on family strengthening, child development and other parenting matters based on current and emerging issues globally.

Li is back in Manila as of November 2019. She continues online and in-person consultations, in-home support services like behavior sessions and coaching  (following Applied Behavior Analysis techniques). You may reach her through 09158593749.

 The Present Parenting Solutions

We at Present Parenting offer you the parental support that will work best for your family.


Whether you're a couple, a single parent, a foster or a guardian, or parents of a child with special needs,      

we can help you.

Here are some issues we have been addressing:

- toddler tantrums

- establishing routines effectively at home

- discipline in public 

- sibling fights

- allowance/ money talks

- bullying

- chores

- dishonesty

- temper tantrums

- meltdowns

- early literacy

- modifying bad habits 

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