Hong Kong in May
20 days in Hong Kong and we are almost broke. Broke and happy. We finally got to be reunited after 9 months of unexpected separation! I barely remember the direction or the transportation routes and the roads as the last time I was here was 2005.
There is nowhere the rent does not cost an arm and a leg. We stayed on Hankow Road. Our room was about 20 square meters with no window. Thankful the ceiling was high enough to accommodate Daddy J's towering height.
Although food was convenient, we needed to be prudent to make sure our allowance will last us. To save on food, we would go to 7-11 or the minimarts abound, and we'd find filling meals for as low as 28 HKD.
As always, everything was crowded- people traffic, peddlers everywhere, so we took daily trips to Kowloon Park, after our usual breakfast at the basement food court in Nathan
Disneyland was not part of our plans, but, wow, blessings came, and we got to tag along with this beautiful family visiting from our first home, Thailand! (Palm, Kam, Eng, we miss you already!!)